Primrose News
Updates on the progress of the Primrose Initiative are posted here. Click here to view the original proposal.
September 2024
Click here for information about Primrose Spraying in 2024.
January 25, 2023
The POA would like to acknowledge and thank the following for their dedication to clean our waterways through the Primrose Initiative. (List thru 1/25/2023).
2022 CONTRIBUTORS: County of Lake CLOBA Jim Jonas Oasis Campground PROPERTY OWNERS: CLK00520 CLK00136 CLK00803
2023 CONTRIBUTORS: 12354 Property Mgmt, Humbertos Roofing, Manacarra, Modern RV, Vargas-Hunter, Carpenter, Burton, PROPERTY OWNERS: CLK255 *multi donors, CLO00606, CLO00399, CL00239, CL00106, CL00149, CL00158, CL00165, CL00189 CL00193 CL00259 CL00276 CL00304 CL00343 CL00364 CL00365 CL00422 CL00448 CL00464 CL00466 CL00467 CL00509 CL00578 CL00580 CL00605 CL00618 CL00635 CL00647 CL0066 CL0069 CL00756 CL00784 CL00838 CL0087 CL0088 CLK0255*
Contributions or gifts to Clear Lake Property Owners’ Association are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Section 10701, 6113 and 6710 to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Section 6113
October 30, 2022
All of the channels have been sprayed, but not all of the properties were treated. I will be walking all of the channels (nearly 13 miles of bank) this week to see what will need to be re-sprayed. We will also fly the drone this week to assess what properties will need to be treated again. By Friday you should see that the primrose is wilting or turning brown; If not contact Waterworks by email and Please contact both addresses so that we have a record to insure that your area will be sprayed.
Waterworks is planning to return later this week depending on weather to complete the spraying.
If you have any questions call Ed Legan 702-497-8938 and/ or Waterworks Industries Inc. 707-837-7900
October 21, 2022
I estimate that 65% of the Keys was treated this last week. Zone 1 is nearly completed except for Venus and Driftwood. Zone 4 is nearly 90% complete. Zone 1 along Hwy 20 and Shoreview is completed.
They are coming back Monday to resume with different equipment. The remaining channels will have to be manually sprayed with their mobile truck, using 400 feet of hose and with a backpack walking the shoreline.
I have worked with Water Works all week, and I will give them a 100% for their effort. The major issue is that the bottom composition is mostly sludge from fifty years of soil erosion, debris decomposition, and years of neglect. Not only is the equipment getting stuck, but the employees are too. This whole project is a challenge to say the least, and honestly I’m surprised that they didn’t call me to say, “we can’t do this”. Their attitude is “we can do this”.
Any questions or comments, contact Ed Legan 702-497-8938 or email
October 18, 2022
Water Works has completed spraying Marina Village and Anchor Village, and will begin to work on Driftwood, Venus, and Ebbtide Village tomorrow October 19th. Zone 1 will begin tomorrow. They are currently working on Zone 5 along the inside channel of Keys Boulevard and could complete Zone 5 today. They are using their airboat, which produces a lot of wind and noise. If you have loose items on your dock please remove or secure them. It will take a few days to see results. The primrose will lose their luster and start to wither. It will take 2 to 3 weeks before you see it turning brown. Again, we are speeding up the dying cycle that takes place every year, but our main goal is to kill the root system. Any questions or comments, email Ed Legan 702-497-8938
October 17, 2022
Many neighbors are asking for more info on the creeping primrose It is an immersed aquatic perennial. Native to South America It grows along the margins of lakes, ponds, and rivers, forming floating mats at first. By summer it becomes slightly woody, forming stalks that will flower above the surface. Water primrose can be easily spotted due to its bright yellow flowers. There are several varieties of primrose, some are native, and all have similar yellow flowers. Leave appears in two distinct forms. Early in the season, leaves are obovate (rounded) and grow in rosettes (grouped), later in the season the plant will produce lanceolate leaves. Dense growths of water primrose provide breeding areas for mosquitoes and will degrade both water quality and habitat for fish and wildlife. It fouls intakes used to supply municipal drinking water and irrigation and becomes a navigation hazard. Creeping water primrose should never be introduced to open waters. Primrose produces abundant seeds that are very small. It will also reproduce by fragmentation; roots will readily grow from the nodes. Control methods are limited to herbicide use. No biological control agents have been found. Mechanical removal (except hand-removal of small infestations) is difficult and costly.

October 16, 2022
We will start spraying Monday, October 17. The following channels will be sprayed starting with Spray Zone 3; Marina Village, Anchor, and Driftwood, at approximately 7:30 a.m. It could take several days to complete each zone. After the completion of those channels you will be notified by email of the next series of channels that will be sprayed. Any questions or comments, contact Ed Legan 702-497-8938 Or email
Harvester Zone Map